Friday, June 4, 2010

The "Dreamy Lens"

"Let's load up and meet at the park." This is a common phrase that comes out of your mouth often once you have a toddler. What do you need to "load up?" Most would need a snack, some water and perhaps a ball to kick around. In the life of Carol Piersoll, "load up" means those items mentioned previously but ALSO her new fancy camera. This is a necessity. This camera must be similiar to oxygen for most people. But, make no mistake about it. I commend her for her "toy". She captures some of the BEST moments. (Refer to blog post dated 04/02/10 for tons of other pictures she has taken). Anyhow, Carol recently purchased a new lens for her camera that she claims is "dreamy". See for yourself below. I agree, Carol. Your new lens is "dreamy."

Avery poses for the photographer. "Give me your serious, deep in thought look, Avery."

"But be quick, Ms. Carol. I have kids to chase after and toys to play on."

1 comment:

Carol said...

I think the look on his face is so cute. He is seriously thinking about what aparatus he will play on next. Tough choices toddlers have!