Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just some pics of the month of March!!!

Here are some miscellaneous pictures taken in the month of March. All is well in the Alcala household. Rico is keeping busy with work and I am keeping busy with 2 boys, trips to the park, playdates, doctors appointments and all that goes along with a newborn and a busy toddler. But don't fool yourself, I'm not THAT busy.....Landon is still in that phase where he sleeps...and then sleeps....and then when he's done doing that, he sleeps some more. (this baby sleeps ANYWHERE) A typical day for Landon: Eat, sleep, poop, pea. Eat, sleep, poop, pea. Life is easy!!! (asleep in pak n play) Meanwhile, Daddy and Mario take Avery to a Baltimore Orioles spring training game. They all 3 had a blast.

Did I mention that all he does is eat, sleep, poop and pea? (asleep in bouncy seat)

Oh look, he's awake!!! He is already 1 month old. Hey clock, could you slow down please!!! (awake in crib)

Watching daddy play softball on Sundays are always a lot of fun!!!

Here's a new concept: Landon sleeping!!! (asleep on boppy) as he bears his big, bulgy, chest!!!

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