Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Haircut

October 10, 2009 - Haircut day for AAA. Mimi Pancoast already gave Avery his first haircut. However, we were past due for another haircut, so we had to go to plan B since Mimi won't be back to Florida until December. Saturday we took Avery to get a trim at First Choice Haircutters. At first he was just curious. But by the end, he was ready to go.

Waiting for our turn. Snack time. (the before shot)
In the chair with mom and ready to go.

"Whatchu doin to my hair, lady?"

"Can you guys hurry, I'm getting tired."

1 comment:

Carol said...

So cute! Avery has now had more official haircuts than Camdyn and she's nearly 4! If only the child's hair would grow. :)